Nomad Cigar Company was founded in 2012 by Fred "GodFadr" Rewey, known as one of the most entertaining personalities in the cigar industry. The company was started after Rewey ventured to Tamboril, Dominican Republic (and later Nicaragua) to experience the cigar-making craft first hand. The company's name plays into the tagline "Be Anywhere. Be Nomad.," where craft consumers can feel as though they're connected, wherever they may be.
The first Nomad cigars were crafted in the DR at Tabacalera L & V. In 2013 the brand expanded to Nicaragua (where the majority of Nomad cigars would later be made), working with the renowned A.J. Fernández factory and later the Fabrica Oveja Negra factory.
In September 2018, it was announced that Rewey had sold the company to Chris Kelly and Kyle Hoover, co-owners of Ezra Zion Cigar Co. At the time of sale, Nomad consisted of 16 cigar blends and a total of 46 SKUs. With Nomad and Ezra Zion both being formerly distributed by Emilio Cigars, the transition was said to be a familiar fit, as the new ownership understands the culture Fred worked to cultivate with Nomad throughout his six-plus years with the company.
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