PDR Cigars evolved from a cigar known as Pinar del Rio, which first debuted in 2008 as a tribute to Cuba's famed growing region of the same name. Pinar del Rio was produced by the Rodriguez brothers in the Dominican Republic and designed/developed by Abe Flores, a rising talent in the industry. Pinar del Rio was then followed by sister brand PDR 1878, released in 2009. PDR 1878 was an affordable cigar that quickly became the best-selling brand at the Don Leoncio factory (where the cigars were formerly rolled), eventually pushing Abe Flores and the Rodriguez brothers into a larger factory and inspiring the creation of Flores' own PDR Cigars as a company.
In the years following, Abe Flores eventually bought out the Rodriguez brothers and phased out the Pinar del Rio brand to streamline marketing. Today, the PDR name is associated with the cigar company, the PDR 1878 cigar brand, a distribution operation, and a factory in Tamboril, DR. With the company's name stemming from Cuba's Pinar del Río region, PDR prides itself on traditional manufacturing techniques, including Entubado bunching and small-batch craftsmanship.
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