Corojo, Nicaragua
Haut 10
Battles: 2k
Wins: 52%
Score: 79
Illusione was among the pioneering brands in the modernizing of premium cigars—focusing on small batch production and epitomizing the spirit of “craft” or “boutique”.
The brand begun simply as the house blend for owner Dion Giolito’s “Fumare” cigar shop in Reno, Nevada. Ten years later, Illusione is among the most popular craft cigar operations in the country. To commemorate the occasion, Illusione introduced a new blend at the 2016 IPCPR show in Las Vegas.
The cigars are dubbed Haut 10 (pronounced “oht”), a French term describing “top”, “grand”, or “elevated”—featuring potentially Illusione’s finest blend to date. Working with the esteemed Fernandez family and their famed Tabacos Valle de Jalapa S.A. factory, Illusione takes advantage of the Fernandez’s prized AGANORSA tobacco. The blend is predictably Nicaraguan puro, focusing on seco primings and using Corojo and Criollo seed throughout the filler. And to top off the ultra-premium blend, the Nicaraguan Cafe Claro Corojo wrapper is categorized “Grade AAA”, being triple sorted to guarantee the absolute best possible materials for this, Illusione’s 10th anniversary offering.
cigar Breakdown
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