Habano 2000, Nicaragua
Viva la Vida
Battles: 1k
Wins: 61%
Score: 90
When Billy and Gus Fakih sold their successful Cigar Inn tobacconist locations in the NYC area, the brothers set out to create their own cigar brand. As the two had become close with renowned Master Blender A.J. Fernández over the years, prominently featuring AJF cigars within their retail locations, the it became clear that Fernández was the perfect fit to craft their first cigar offering, Viva la Vida.
Viva la Vida showcases a choice selection of Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the blend, boasting a dark shade of Nicaraguan Habano 2000 for the wrapper, a Corojo '99 binder, and Criollo '98 leaves throughout the filler. The cigars proved to be somewhat of a surprise hit when introduced in the spring of 2019, providing a worthy challenge for cigar enthusiasts, as the brand is only sold at a small number of locations across the U.S., being offered exclusively at brick and mortar retailers.
cigar Breakdown
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