Cigars Davidoff

Cigars Davidoff is one of two (formerly three) factories that make up the manufacturing arm of TabaDom Holding, Inc., a vertically integrated holding that produces cigars for Oettinger Davidoff AG, among others. The most prestigious factory in the TabaDom compound is Cigars Davidoff, which produces Davidoff cigars exclusively.

The factory is managed by industry veteran and president of TabaDom, Hendrik "Henke" Kelner, joined by head agronomist Manuel Peralta and master blender Eladio Díaz. The factory's most experienced torcedores include Emilio Ventura and Julio Martínez, responsible for Davidoff's Royal ($100) and Oro Blanco ($500) cigars.

"We cultivate , acquire and process the best tobaccos for wrapper, binder and filler under a strict direction, supervision and control of technical experienced people for the processes and procedures to handle the leaves."
—Tabadom Holding, Inc.


  • Most elite factory in TabaDom Holding
  • Located in Santiago - Dominican Republic
  • Produces cigars for the Davidoff brand exclusively
  • Managed by cigar icon Hendrik "Henke" Kelner
  • Master blender is Eladio Díaz
  • Torcedores at Cigars Davidoff favor pizza cutters over traditional chaveta knives
  • Uses accordion bunching style - as opposed to the Entubado style often seen in Cuba and Nicaragua
  • Davidoff’s cigarillos are hand-rolled and use long-filler tobaccos (including the Davidoff Exquisitos - the smallest hand-rolled long-filler cigar in the world)





Dominican Republic



Factory Size

associated companies

All cigars