Habano, Ecuador
The Late Hour
Battles: 3k
Wins: 67%
Score: 97
Davidoff expands on their line of Winston Churchill-branded cigars, introducing a more ambitious blend for 2017 with “The Late Hour.” The cigars feature the same design introduced with 2015’s revamped Davidoff Winston Churchill line, but for Late Hour, the look is mirrored to showcase a black base with gold accents. Veering from the traditional techniques that Davidoff’s luxury-class cigars have become known, The Late Hour experiments by aging a portion of the cigar’s filler leaves in used Scotch barrels for up to six months. As Winston Churchill is one of the most legendary cigar smokers in history, combining the former Prime Minister’s love of cigars and Scotch whisky is a fitting tribute, allowing cigar aficionados the chance to try a completely new smoking experience.
We at Davidoff are excited to open the cigar aficionado’s world with new tastes and a rewarding experience with “The Late Hour”: a complex and flavourful Scotch cask aged multi-origin cigar blend. The journey to new experiences and horizons will be worth it. We feel sure that Sir Winston would have enjoyed it and would have filled his late hours beautifully with this exceptional cigar and a glass of his favourite Scotch.
Charles Awad, Senior Vice President – Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG
Recommended pairings by Davidoff include heavy and spicy rum, low-peat whisky, and other beverages “rich and complex in taste to harmonize with the elaborate character of the Winston Churchill.”
cigar Breakdown
Core flavors
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Winston Churchill Series